The second installment in the Confessions From the Bonanza Saloon Girls series is available to pre-order on Amazon. And If you’ve read Breaking in Sally you’ll know Bess is a very dirty whore. This story of upping her game won’t disappoint.
Bess already has plenty of tricks up her sleeve, but she’ll need to come up with something new to keep the patrons of the Bonanza Saloon spending their money.
With whispers of gold in a creek up north, the camp is almost empty, and those prospectors hanging around are saving their cash. Things are tense, and Bess is determined to keep her boss Joe happy,
Velvet curtains, whispered invitations. What’s going on behind the veil that’s too dirty to see in the Saloon?
After Bess is done, Joe might have to consider if he wants Bess making him money or all to himself.
Short and dirty reads out of the Bonanza Saloon in the Wild West.
New to the Series?
If you sign up to the newsletter I’ll get you up to speed on the series with a saucy excerpt from Sally and the coordinates to find the rest on Amazon.